Mindfulness Stress Reduction Training Course
Course Postponed
Free Taster on Monday 6pm – 8pm 27th January
Seven week course starts Monday 10th February
The mindfulness training course is a step by step approach that enables us to understand our stresses and anxieties. We then put in place simple internal adjustments that lighten our hearts, ease the tensions in our bodies, and bring calm to our minds.
The life-changing skills embedded in mindfulness training can help bring so many benefits to daily life: better sleep, reduced anxiety, plus a quieter, unflappable way of meeting daily challenges which are all out of our control.
We learn to be kinder to ourselves, and how to find calm in tricky situations . All this helps to reduce the often corrosive effects of stress and anxiety.
We all have to contend with the multitude of challenges that are beyond our control these days: inflation, the weather, personal circumstances, other people’s stuff, these long dark cold nights… Mindfulness training enables us to cope more calmly with all this trickiness that can be the root of worry.
During the mindfulness course we learn how to calm and regulate our busy minds. This soothes our nervous system and releases trauma and physical tension.
These are skills gained through practice, such as when we learn to drive. Through repeated and guided practice we become proficient at managing a vehicle, navigating road conditions and of course those other drivers out there with minds of their own! We are motivated to do this as this skill offers independence.
Mindfulness skills offer independence too. They liberate us from excessive worry, offer easier breathing and sounder sleep, and give us the ability to reduce any compulsive thinking that keeps us awake at night.
Step by step the tiaining enables our outlook to be less judgmental, kinder and calmer. This affects those around us as we becomes a steadier and more cordial person to spend time with.
Start this New Year with the intention of skilling up with these life-changing mindfulness skills. Contact me to register your place on the free mindfulness taster session, to be held on Zoom, on Monday 16th January at 6pm. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Course fee £175. 8 weeks which incudes the FREE taster session on 27th January. Course starts on Monday 10th February – Monday 31st March 6pm – 8pm. No session on Monday 3rd March. The fee Includes all the supporting sound files and course notes that accompany the course.
PLEASE NOTE: For those who cannot afford the fee, I have for many years been offering a pay what you can afford scheme. This helps all to access these precious and often life-changing skills.
‘I can’t thank you both enough for these wonderful sessions. The beginning of the year was really quite grim for me, as you know … and I was sent on a 12 week CBT course with a counsellor. I tried so hard, but it felt like 12hrs of theory, although it uses many of the same principles (how thoughts drive feelings drive behaviours). It was so dry, and this combination of gentle qi gong, the group mindfulness has so much more meaning and effect.’
“I look forward to my mindfulness sessions. My temper, my patience levels, my sleep and my general well being improved very quickly.”
Email to register and for Zoom log-in details
‘The course was transformational for me. It came at a time when anxiety and depression had led to me being unemployed for a period. I was stuck. I wanted to go on the course but there was no way I could afford it. Your generosity touched me deeply and I was so grateful to have the opportunity. I now meditate daily and am much more calm and grounded and at peace. Since being on the course things have improved.’ Lucy T.
Mindfulness is knowing what is happening when it is happening. Which sounds easy, yet delve deeper and the truth is that most of us are worrying about the future, ruminating over the past and very rarely able to be present with what is happening now. So life can pass us by.
Just writing to thank you for being an ace meditation teacher. I’ve just had a MRI scan and I could cope with it because I breathed and counted my breaths. Also training in welcoming the distractions/sensations helped enormously.
Participating on the Mindfulness Based Living Course taps into our capacity to be in life as opposed to ‘doing’ life. It enables us to lessen the noise in our heads, to breathe easier, sleep better and remain calmer in challenging situations. It is method to enable us to come home to ourselves in a way that brings joy and fulfilment into our everyday lives. Or as Lisa Smith who assists on the courses wrote: ” I’m amazed at how such a simple practice can have such a massive influence on my life and those around me.”
Another participant wrote:
I look forward to my mindfulness sessions. They make me feel so positive about life. At first, I wasn’t sure whether I could spare thirty minutes one morning a week, let alone find time for daily practise. I realised very quickly that the time invested was really going to pay off. My temper, my patience levels, my sleep and my general well being improved very quickly. I can’t believe what a difference the straightforward techniques that you have taught me have made. They help me cope with the really busy times and help me manage my stress levels so much better.
I used to routinely have about a dozen things going on in my head at any one time. Now, I still have about a dozen things going on at any one time, but they aren’t all clambering for my attention at once. I have learnt how to focus on just one thing at a time. I am so much calmer as a result.
More from others’ experiences of bringing mindfulness into their daily lives can be found here.